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We each have a voice and combined we can make sure our desires for change are heard.
Sign on to support paid family & medical leave
Lack of national paid family & medical leave has left the U.S. once again an outlier among other wealthy countries. Only 21% of workers currently have access to paid family leave through their employers, and just 40% have access to personal medical leave through employer-provided short term disability insurance.
There are currently 2 proposals in Washington, DC to make both paid family & medical leave a reality - one in the House and one from President Biden.Both plans would offer at least 80% of average pay for our lowest-wage workers, and both guarantee 12 weeks paid leave to spend time with children, recover from illness, or care for family members.
84% of voters support a national paid family & medical leave policy that covers ALL workers.
Sign on to urge Congress to make paid family & medical leave a reality now.
There are currently 2 proposals in Washington, DC to make both paid family & medical leave a reality - one in the House and one from President Biden.Both plans would offer at least 80% of average pay for our lowest-wage workers, and both guarantee 12 weeks paid leave to spend time with children, recover from illness, or care for family members.
84% of voters support a national paid family & medical leave policy that covers ALL workers.
Sign on to urge Congress to make paid family & medical leave a reality now.
Click the button below to join with ACA Consumer Advocacy and other organizations and individuals around the country to tell Congress it is now time to implement paid family & medical leave for all American workers. Together, we can #ProtectOurCare.